Jessica O'Neill Dip. CBST answers questions about companion animal behaviour. Providing advice and eduction to promote the human-animal bond.
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Friday, March 5, 2010

6 Month old Beagle-Basset Mix

Owner: Have a 6 month cross beagle-basset hound.
Q:1. Is it better to take puppy to outside training as opposed to at home training.?

A: The most important thing to remember is to generalize behaviour and training. This means working in a variety of areas, not just one (outside, on the street, in the park, in the house, on the front lawn, around kids, near other dogs, quiet environments, noisy environment, etc.)

Q:2.he really pulls on collar leash as opposed to a harness. read where beagle larynx could be subject to injury if collar pulled to hard.

A: When working with a flat collar (normal collar), which is what I would recommend for training, you must remember that when she pulls you must make sure you are at a 90 degree angle so the pressure goes to the side of the neck. Never give 'pop' corrections, just simply move the opposite direction then she is pulling, preferable walking backwards so that you can reward the moment she stops pulling and gives you eye contact.

Q:3. Training treats- buy commercial treats or can I do liver and freeze it?

A: Many commercial treats are unhealthy for your dog. I would recommend freeze dried liver. This can be purchased at most pet stores. The brand i generally use is call Benny Bullies. Liver is very rich, so each reward need only be half the size of your baby finger nail.

Q:4. are there closed in dog parks for socialization around Perth, Smiths Falls area.

A: There is a off-leash dog park in Carleton Place, and talk of one developing in Perth. Be cautious about off-leash parks because many owners are unfamiliar with proper dog-dog behaviour and social etiquette. Dogs labeled as "friendly" are often over stimulated and socially inappropriate. there a correct order of training- sit, stay, then leash walking etc.?

A: There is no specific order that is proven to be better. Make sure that you don't overwhelm the dog, and always teach a visual cue before adding a verbal one for each behaviour.

Owner Comment: I enjoy your articles in EMC.

Jessica: Thanks very much, I enjoy the feedback. Good Luck!

Pet Intel. Behaviour Centre

Pet Intel. Behaviour Centre