Jessica O'Neill Dip. CBST answers questions about companion animal behaviour. Providing advice and eduction to promote the human-animal bond.
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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Canine Communication Seminar April 27, 2013

Canine Communication Seminar
Basic Behaviour Management

A Crash Course for Professionals & Dog Owners and Volunteers  

Monday, January 21, 2013

14 month old Great Dane

Should I Adopt a Siberian Husky?


Good morning Jess

 I would like to request info about  a dog that my ex is looking to adopt.
 The dog is 2 years old, unknown if she is fixed.  the house hold that she is going into already have a 4 year old male dog and also my 3 year old Daughter.

Could you please inform me of the pros and cons about this dog and what kind of requirements this  dog will need (Physical, mental stimulation and training).

Thank you very much for your time.


By the look of the picture you sent, this is a Siberian Husky dog. In general, these dogs are require a high impact exercise routine and much regular mental stimulation to maintain a balanced healthy lifestyle. This breed of dog is best suited to individuals who are prepared to dedicate a couple hours a day to exercise and training. They are not a beginners or novice dog owners type of dog. Although they are not typically known for their role as a family household dog, they are most definitely accustom to belonging to a group.

These dogs generally do not do well off-leash and have a tendency to run even with diligent recall training. They are not generally recommended to household with small children because of their high prey-drive.... however, if raised from puppyhood to be around children and taught proper bite inhibition they can live in a household with children. It is extremely important that management and caution be implemented when having children and dogs together in general and specifically when adopting an adolescent dog with such a strong breed line.

It is difficult to provide you with specific information as I have not met this dog. I can tell you that my assessment of this photo you have attached indicates that the dog in merely tolerating your daughters embrace. The dog appears still, slightly uncomfortable and is leaning away from your daughter. I would highly advise against allowing your daughter to "hug" dogs. Unless, the dog is very familiar and has proven through repetitive interactions to be comfortable with this type of interaction. it can be very dangerous.

Should you decide to include this dog in the household with your daughter and have the amount of time, energy and resources available to provide the dog with an adequate outlet, you still must execute extreme caution and use management by crating the dog when you are unable to supervise interaction between the dog and your daughter.
I hope this information is helpful. Please feel free to call if you need further advice.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Nipping Doodle Pup

Question from Carol in Ottawa:
I have an 11 week old mini doodle, ( male) . I have been trying to break his habit of biting but its getting worse. I tried the technique of squealing like one of his pup-mates, it worked for awhile, but then he continued to bite. It seemed to only make him more excited and bite more.. Then i tried the technique of putting a chew toy in his mouth as soon as he starts to bite,, that worked for a little while but he just trying to get around the toy to bite my hand. He now bites my pant legs when i walk and wont let go, very hard to detach him, and if i push him away he just charges back like a boomerang and grabs again.. Sometimes if i am just gently
patting him he will bite my hand and then grab my sleeve and wont let go. He has sharp little pin-like teeth and they catch in the fabric.. I pry him off but again he just keeps at it and seems to get even more excited.. This is sometimes accompanied by humping and biting.. He was neutered at 8 weeks old.
I also tried leaving the room, he is in the kitchen with a baby gate, so i can be in another room. He doesnt cry or bark, when i come back in and trying the technique of ignoring him and not giving him too much attention, he still goes at it. This doesnt happen ALL the time but its happening more and more and getting really annoying and frustrating. Did i mention that he jumps to bite my face as well? I can be snuggling with him and then all of a sudden he will bite my face. I have long hair and have learned to keep my hair tied back and also not to have any dangling ties from my hoodies.
Learned that the hard way. . He is an adorable little puppy, I dont want anyone to get the wrong idea but I really want this to stop soon.

Thank you...

Response from Dog Specialist, Jessica O'Neill:
Hi Carol,
Puppyhood is an adorable yet frustrating time. This is a time when our dogs experiment with us to see what works and what doesn't work. Your puppy's little razor sharp teeth are sharp on purpose. This help them learn how to use their mouths properly when playing with other dogs. Because they are so sharp, they really hurt!! If they are too rough it will cause their litter mates to yelp and disengage. Some pups are more tenacious then others and will continue to "play roughly" with their litter mate. At this point the yelp will no longer be a high pitch "white flag" sound; it will now be deeper in tone and give the very serious impression that enough is enough! If this continues, the boss will step in (Mom). She will very clearly, without an overreaction, but with just enough intensity to cease the interaction, tell the silly and tenacious pup to "KNOCK IT OFF". Puppies and dogs in general do relieve tension through the mouth. Your idea of providing proper chew articles is excellent! Make sure that these articles are highly interesting. Soup bones and treat toys are fantastic. Your puppy should get these articles while in a designated "chew" area and preferably when confined. Of course having a chew/play toy available for them at other times can also be appropriate. Your puppy is continuing to chew at you because it works. You are an excellent squeaker toy and you move on your own! How fantastic for him! Take a moment to be flattered that your puppy is so excited by you that the adrenaline pumping through his body causes him to stop thinking and act only on impulse (ie. the humping). Now..... don't allow it to continue! You may no longer interact with him while he is being so completely inappropriate with you. You puppy is likely over tired and has been given too much freedom. Think of a teenager moving into college housing on his own for the first time. Your puppy's mom likely ran a tight ship..... Your house is a party!
It is extremely important to socialize and interact with your new puppy, however he must be given rules and restrictions from day one. Puppy's require tons of rest. A puppy's day should look like this: Crate (sleeping and chewing), play, potty, crate, eat, potty, crate, play, potty....and so on. Do not give him more freedom than he can handle or he will fail.
Remember that how he accesses the world around him and how he achieves what he wants now will set the stage for the teens...... And you want to be as prepared as possible for the teens.
Take a couple deep breaths, puppy-proof your home and write out a list of rules and a daily routine. When he gets to be too much, he's likely over stimulate or tired. Don't be afraid to put him to bed with something to chew on.
Good luck! You can do this!

Pet Intel. Behaviour Centre

Pet Intel. Behaviour Centre