Jessica O'Neill Dip. CBST answers questions about companion animal behaviour. Providing advice and eduction to promote the human-animal bond.
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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Toy of the Month- Wobble Kong

Here's my toy recommendation of the month.....
The Wobble Kong

This toy is an excellent way to keep food motivated dogs busy for hours. When your dog is bored and needs something to occupy themselves and an outlet for excess energy, try giving them a Wobble Kong! This toy comes in two sizes, large and small. It unscrews so you can place small treats or kibble inside. There is a hole on the side so when the dog knocks it around with their paws or nose a treat pops out. This is also an excellent way to get your dog to work for his/her meal. Consider throwing in two or three pieces of freeze dried liver as jackpot prizes.
This toy retails for $20-$25 for the large and $15-$20 for the small. I've found it at for less (link below). It's made of a hard plastic so it's fairly hardy.
Happy Wobbling!

Pet Intel. Behaviour Centre

Pet Intel. Behaviour Centre